Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What Lies Beneath

Hubby was lucky enough to go to last week's Bronco game.

I was nice enough to pick him up after the game.

After a run and a little shopping, I decided to watch the rest of the game at a downtown hotel with a glass of wine until hubby called for his Chauffeur.

I whisked into the Westin and ordered my Cabernet while squinting to see the score on the TV.

"Are you waiting for your little girl?" the man next to me asked.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, distracted and still trying to focus on the screen.

"Are you waiting for your little girl? Is she in the modeling class? I'm waiting for my daughter in the modeling class.....she just adores...."

Oh for the love, I thought.

"No." I cut him off "I'm not. I'm waiting for my husband." With that, I turned my back to him and watched the game. The bartender handed me my Red which I took along with the beer nuts on the bar and positioned myself as far away from Modeling Dad as possible.

Poor Modeling Dad. He had no idea what he was asking.

Today the Rep from GoDaddy called to re-register our Miracles for Mito domain name and ask how our service was.

Impatient, I almost let him go.

I am a busy Sales Exec after all!

I have to go...sell....something.

"What do you do?" the Go Daddy rep asked.

"What do I do?"

"Yeah, your website. What's it about? What is Miracles for Mee-to?"

"My-to", I corrected him. "It's a foundation we started in memory of my daughter. She had a nuero-muscular disease called a mitochondrial disease. We help other families in the area."

"Wow, well that's just great." He said. "My wife was diagnosed with cancer last year. I was always a cynic about the power of kindness in people but everyone just rallied around us, they gave money and time, it was really incredible what people did for us."

My smile relaxed my body. "It's pretty amazing isn't it? Is your wife better?"

"Oh she's just fine now." And with that he gave me a discount on our domain renewal and told me to keep doing our good work.

Funny how a poor nonchalant Dad question spins me into my beer nuts and the GoDaddy rep makes my day.

Small's a risky, risky thing, you never, ever know what lies beneath.


Anonymous said...

A beaut.

ferfischer said...

Love this one. So true.

Trauma should be the hall pass to life's other issues. Someone should tell the hall monitor

I posted something cryptic on Facebook Saturday. It caught a lot of attention from my tribe but it really wasn’t a big deal…. nothing ...