Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Beach Love

My friend Cora sent this to me.....

Along with this message....

I’ve included as an attachment a picture of something we made at the beach in memory of your beautiful daughter. Made with some of the many shells at the beach, it struck me that even the broken shells and the simplest shells at the shore are creations of exquisite beauty, with their own stories to tell.....

Lil' Miss has left a ginormous void in our world. But these thoughts and messages of love are little sprinklings of life...

we might just be okay....because of you all, we might just be okay.


Anonymous said...

lovely - Clearly, you and your little girl have meant much to many

-- Joan in PA

KD said...

You have always been, in my eyes, okay.

Deana said...

A reminder that Samantha touched so many lives, and through your stories, will continue to touch lives.

Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful thing to do and the reminder of the little broken shells is priceless.

I can't imagine what o.k. looks like and feels like for you and your husband, but I believe it will come.

Trauma should be the hall pass to life's other issues. Someone should tell the hall monitor

I posted something cryptic on Facebook Saturday. It caught a lot of attention from my tribe but it really wasn’t a big deal…. nothing ...