Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Tonight was a fabulous meeting of the Supermoms.

We discussed super topics.....

G-Tube vs. Oral Feeding

Generic Keppra vs. brand-name

Whose child had brain surgery.....whose seizures are under control

Just another day.

We wished a Supermom safe travels as she journeys to Europe and leaves her sweet boy for a week. We shared in her anxiety and her excitement.....because all Supers have to leave the headquarters every once in a while.

And we drank margaritas.

I listened to Pink on the way home. It's just what the Supermoms do to me....give me a little attitude.


Deana said...

I listened to NPR...but that's just because I'm a geek.

It was great seeing you too! Can't wait until our next meet-up!

Amanda Jaksha said...

I sure wish I was attending the meeting of supermoms in lieu of my fun. I'm glad to read you had a nice night away :)

HeatherS said...

Deana, I'm an NPR girl too :)

Amanda....get that CNA over and done with so you can come and drink margaritas!!!!!

Trauma should be the hall pass to life's other issues. Someone should tell the hall monitor

I posted something cryptic on Facebook Saturday. It caught a lot of attention from my tribe but it really wasn’t a big deal…. nothing ...