Monday, July 9, 2012

Too Much Emotion

I told you I would be boring in July, didn't I?

July is tough. And those who know us know why.....we have Jack's birthday, Samantha's birthday and the day we lost both of them....and we have this crazy ride all in the middle.

This crazy ride, with this crazy team, who is pulling together $50,000.

And it makes me cry....out of joy, out of grief, out of complete gratitude, that this is where July has taken us.

Crazy July.

This weekend I had the pleasure of leading a ride up Berthoud Pass.

Berthoud is steep....but my team is quite mighty.

And I met a friend...and on the way I was talking about July, and why this month is so hard. And she turned and said to me...."yeah, we lost my brother in July."

And I was humbled and we talked about her little brother who was taken too soon. And we shed a tear.  And realized I am not the only one riding for cause. Perhaps what brings us together is July.......

Crazy July...

And crazy team! Up top Berthoud Pass!

Not sure what the big gray bar is there, but look at the 'P' they are blocking out...Cheeky Monkeys

Part of the team up top! Did I mention I have a very good looking team? Not everyone can pull off spandex and a shammy!

To July, and my team, and gratitude....and too much crazy emotion to process...and to our ride.

Did I mention you can donate here?

1 comment:

Deana said...

You're doing amazing things! Much love to you!!

Trauma should be the hall pass to life's other issues. Someone should tell the hall monitor

I posted something cryptic on Facebook Saturday. It caught a lot of attention from my tribe but it really wasn’t a big deal…. nothing ...