Thursday, March 22, 2012

Good Day

There was nothing special about today....

Just a collection of simple goods.

Our non-profit is growing. We are reaching out to people.

Our next event has already raised $2,500.


But today I didn't win the lottery.

I wasn't in Mexico on the beach.

In fact today was spent at work.....But I am making my numbers. And when you work in sales, making your numbers is kinda fun.

In September I moved from the retail vertical into non-profit.

I love the non-profit sector. I really great is it to represent clients who want to cure cancer?

And today when I was walking into the office, I ran into a co-worker, "Heather," he said, "I don't mean to be nosey but ever since you moved into non profit, you seem incredibly happy."

It's nice when people notice that you're happy.

I even had to clean the house today....but something still kept me happy....I have a habit of keeping old cards on the mantle....birthday cards, Valentines Day. I was gathering old cards when I noticed a clay heart on the table with a note. I hadn't seen this before.

I opened the note attached to the heart, it was dated 2.12.12 and said "Dear Samantha, My love to you always, wherever you are, Love Grandma"

.....this note was from Samantha's Grandma Lyn.

And I thought of the tiny little things that happened today....our non-profit, being happy where I am, today, right now, at this moment and a sweet, dear lovely note from Samantha's Grandma, and felt so very grateful.

Nothing dynamic, just a little collection of good.

And it made for a lovely day.

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Trauma should be the hall pass to life's other issues. Someone should tell the hall monitor

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