Sunday, November 13, 2011


I fell off the face of the earth again.

This time more physically than mentally.

Hubby and I took a week in Mexico; our second big trip since we lost Samantha. This trip felt much more relaxed- not necessarily something that we had to do in order to move on without her but time that we needed to spend together, enjoy each other and just be.

It was good...just to be and to be with each other.

We recently attended a wedding where the best man said to the newlyweds, "if you decide not to have children, decide to become each other's child."

What an interesting thought; to take care of each other that deeply and wholeheartedly.

Sometimes it feels as if Hubby and I are dating again, getting to know each other without the expectations of what we thought would be our life, getting to know each other with our loss and getting to know each other as just each other.

It's dating again with a deep understanding of who the other person is. Dating, while knowing that he will silently reach for my hand as we walk by a father playing with his daughter on the beach.

Knowing where the hurt is without saying it; covering up the boo-boo and sealing it with a kiss.

Perhaps at times we all need to be each other's child.

PS- pics to come as soon as I clean the sand out of my bathing suit :)

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