Tuesday, August 2, 2011

To be so Lucky

My lovely friend Inda played a song at our wedding- it was her song...

To be so lucky to find true love,

To be so lucky to find my way,

Be the thirst

Be the rock

Be the hope

Be tomorrow

Be so lucky to find.

People may not find us lucky. People may find us sad. At times, I may find us sad. But I have indeed found my thirst, my rock, my hope, my tomorrow

Yesterday I got to give money back to the people who saved Lil' Misses life so many times. People who loved her. In this world of crazy, litigious, who-is-to-blame-why-can't-you-do-more world of medicine, these doctors loved my girl.

And they loved us and we loved them

And it felt good to give back

And lucky

And that I had found my way, along this crazy path

But it was only because of you all who had given so generously to our cause, that we were able to give back to The Children's Hospital.

And I thank you.

Our check to Dr. Collins and Mitochondrial Clinic.

Presenting our check to the famous Dr. E. I love her face here. This woman can take on the entire Children's Hospital and not be fazed. I think she might be fazed

Dr. E, Maria, Sweet Sarah, lovely Jacob and myself.

It is good to be here- to find my way

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I came upon your Love story (aka Blog) some months ago and have in fact shared it with our fellow travelers. I have often wanted to write to you, not knowing what to say but to just extend myself and to say hello. I find such like-mindness in the message I hear from you and in these recent posts I feel the 'shift' that I too experienced and has allowed me to change my identification from the mother whose child died to the mother whose child LIVED, and LIVE they did and LIVE we will. So Hello and thank-you for sharing this journey so elequently.

Peace and continued Blessing to you

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