Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Next event!

Our Canvas and Cocktails event is featured on the website of The Children's Hospital!

Come join us on April 4th and paint this....

It's called Mother's Love and I do love it.

The proceeds will go to the Special Care Clinic and the Mitochondrial Clinic at The Children's Hospital; those places who helped us and Samantha.

Tonight I attended the kick-off for the Courage Classic. We are riding again as
Summits for Samantha. I felt proud to be there, representing our team, talking about the jersey we want to design; how we want to decorate our bikes in pink and green.....I felt like she was right there.

Over a year ago I called Samantha an 'Infectious Little Miss', I had no idea how Samantha, by just being who she was, has changed how I go about my life.

Tonight I also met the PR person who worked with us during last year's Courage Classic. We had talked many times but never met until this evening.

We hugged.

"Your story," she said, "just effected me. I have never been in that situation, never met you, but I couldn't stop thinking about Samantha and how you all are doing. I'm glad you're still here."

I looked around at the room, the bikes, took in the energy, the good work we can do for the hospital.....and felt glad that I was there too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish I could be at Canvas and Cocktails, I am so sorry to miss it. The painting is just perfect.

Samantha was infectious, she touched so many she never met and Everyone she did meet!

Trauma should be the hall pass to life's other issues. Someone should tell the hall monitor

I posted something cryptic on Facebook Saturday. It caught a lot of attention from my tribe but it really wasn’t a big deal…. nothing ...