Sunday, July 18, 2010

I Never Thought....

Tonight Samantha is FOUR!!!

Four years old.

A big girl....

Kind of....

At four I question the life laid in front of us. Our neurologist once said "Well if she's not walking at 4, there is a good chance that she won't"

Samantha doesn't walk...

or talk...

There is a good chance that she won't

And I'm okay.....and I think she's okay...

I always thought having a special needs child would be isolating....

No one wants to talk to the family with the child who can't walk....

Or talk....

But tonight, I am surrounded by the people who love Samantha and who love us.

Who accept our girl for the beautiful four year old she is...

Who stroke her feet...

And her head....

Who keep her cool in the heat...

And who just love her.....

People who reinforce the blessing that she is.

Happy Birthday my sweet girl and thank you to our family and friends...

Thank you for just being there and loving our girl.

And Happy Birthday to the best thing that has ever happened to me.



Shauna Quintero said...

Happy Birthday, Samantha!

Anonymous said...

It was, truly, our pleasure. We love Samantha and you and Bart, too. It was a lovely day and a wonderful celebration. Happy Birthday, Samamtha.
Love, Nonnie

kel[E] said...

I found your blog through Jess's blog.. with Tuesday and Piper.

I haven't experienced the loss

and I pray I never have to
as selfish as that sounds.

but my heart goes out to you.
and your family.

I'm for some reason drawn to blogs like yours - tells a story.. a tragic one, a heartbreaking - one that makes me wish I could do.. something.

donate a little more to research. send something to the family. give them a hug.

so here's some hugs

from far away.

:) -Kelly

Trauma should be the hall pass to life's other issues. Someone should tell the hall monitor

I posted something cryptic on Facebook Saturday. It caught a lot of attention from my tribe but it really wasn’t a big deal…. nothing ...