Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Waiting Game

Alas....so we wait.....

for lab results,

for a doctor,

for a room,

for a little direction on what the next 12 hours will look like.

Plans are moved, altered, canceled, tweaked, rearranged; new plans are made.

Success takes on a new meaning.....an I.V in only three tries, a comfortable child, a move out of the ER, getting that one nurse we really like, finding a leftover piece of dark chocolate in the bottom of my purse.....how long has that been there? No matter.

Lil' Miss is a little puny this afternoon so we will be watching her from the 8th floor at Children's....waiting for some answers and improved lab results as she re hydrates. Our fabulous Dr. E just came in for a visit.

We're in good hands while we wait.


Tracy said...

keep us posted...xoxo

Deana said...

Poor peanut...she had a long run outside the walls of TCH!! I'm sure it made her stronger!

Did you get to grab your movies to watch while she rests and gets better? I really have a light schedule this week, so if you need anything, just let me know!

KatieK said...


We don't like to hear that sweet Samantha has made her way back to the hospital! We'll be keeping her in close thought & prayer. And, you'll be right there in our prayers too!

Sending much love from Illinois.

Katie...and Steve...and Lowrie too

Rena said...

sending you lots of strong mommy energy. I hope she's feeling better quickly

Trauma should be the hall pass to life's other issues. Someone should tell the hall monitor

I posted something cryptic on Facebook Saturday. It caught a lot of attention from my tribe but it really wasn’t a big deal…. nothing ...