Sunday, February 21, 2010

JAWS! By Samantha

Now, you would think that raising me would be enough excitement for Mama....

But no, she needs a little something else, a little reminder that she is still young and daring.

So I give you Mama, and a tank full of sharks....

You can see Mama's tanks up towards the left.

Here she is with the dive master

A little Chum for Chum...

Of course Mama needs to get the family's Pops hangin' with the sharks too....

Mama in her fishbowl....


Mama throwing me a kiss. I am not happy about any of this!!!! Grandma Judi trying to tell me that Mama probably doesn't taste very good.

In the shark tank with a buddy checking us out.

Nonnie telling Pops how to get out of the tank....take your first left and turn right at the shark

Even the tiger thought she was a little crazy...

I am very concerned about this behavior!!!!


Unknown said...

Wow! What an adventure!! But, we must agree with Sam. You guys were crazy!!! One look at those TEETH. . . I'd be heading far from that tank!!

The tiger picture is amazing! Lance loves them and thought your picture was wonderful! He'd love a copy to add to his tiger file if you are willing to share!! :) (high resolution)

Love you!!

2awesomekidz said...

Wow Heather, you are so adventurous and BRAVE!! Love her face on the last pic! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Samantha, thank you for sharing the pictures of a fun day and a great celebration for your mom's birthday. Be sure to give your dad a special hug for taking all of those great pictures!! Love, Nonnie

Trauma should be the hall pass to life's other issues. Someone should tell the hall monitor

I posted something cryptic on Facebook Saturday. It caught a lot of attention from my tribe but it really wasn’t a big deal…. nothing ...