Tuesday, December 8, 2009

And Christmas may Commence

I got a call today from my mom.....

"I just wanted to let you know that she's okay."

At first I thought she was talking about my Granny. Granny went in for a couple tests and we're waiting for the results.

But no, it wasn't Granny...

It was my Gingerbread Lady....

Made lovingly by Chez Heather when I just a tyke

35 years old this year; pulled out of storage and ready for the tree. She looks pretty good. Happy Birthday Cookie!

Here's her sultry profile....she's quite a tart for a cookie...

Looking thoughtful in the tree branches....

I'm waiting for my close up, Mr. Deville...


Deana said...

Good lookin' gingerbread lady!

Anonymous said...

I remember that cookie....

Trauma should be the hall pass to life's other issues. Someone should tell the hall monitor

I posted something cryptic on Facebook Saturday. It caught a lot of attention from my tribe but it really wasn’t a big deal…. nothing ...