Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hope Floats

So it's been a year. A year ago on this Sunday we were sitting in the E.R at Children's watching grim-faced doctors run in and out of our room, order tests, return with results and order more tests.

365 days.

I am celebrating by having a piece of fabulous, home-made, made from scratch, double-layer, chocolate birthday cake; made by my good friend, Christy. Christy and I weren't friends last year. We knew each other but I don't think she would have made me a fabulous birthday cake.

365 days.

I was watching Hope Floats this afternoon while Samantha took a nap. It's a cheesy, chick-flick but mindless entertainment when you're laying on the couch in a comatose state. It's good for Sunday afternoons. The only redeeming quality about Hope Floats is that Harry Connick Jr. is the male lead. Harry......almost as delicious as this chocolate cake.....but not quite.

A chick-flick cannot end without a meaningful quote about life. It's a chick-flick requirement. The quote was (something like this, I was napping) "Life has beginning and ends. The beginnings are scary and the endings are usually sad but the good stuff always happens in the middle. When the beginnings seem scary, just wait for the water to settle because hope floats and it always rises up to the surface." Awww, I thought...I like that hope floats.

I am now giggling to myself as I write this. I just changed Samantha's very full, healthy diaper.... as I was walking down the stairs I thought, hmmmmm, you could say the same thing about poopy. Poopy floats.

365 days.....Harry Connick Jr......chocolate cake.....can I recover from the poopy comment? I'm trying.

I start school tomorrow to get my Nursing Assistant certification. Talk about scary beginnings! I am now required to retain and process information....oof. Funny thing, this beginning wouldn't have happened if it had not been for the other beginning 365 days ago; nor would I have chocolate cake or a reason to celebrate this evening.

365 days....hope floats (and yes, I guess other things do too :)

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Trauma should be the hall pass to life's other issues. Someone should tell the hall monitor

I posted something cryptic on Facebook Saturday. It caught a lot of attention from my tribe but it really wasn’t a big deal…. nothing ...