A couple years ago, my friend Deana realized her son Max LOVED the opera. Max's diagnosis is different than Samantha's but many issues are similar. As a smart mom of one of our kiddos, she knew she needed to foster Max's love and excitement for this music. So she contacted Opera Colorado and arranged special live performances for Max and his buddies.
Yesterday they performed the Music Shop at Children's Hospital. It was fabulous. It was Samantha's first opera and she loved it.
Loved it. She was engaged, watched the characters and moved her hands around. When the soprano hit a high note, Samantha's eyes would get wide, she would arch her back and sigh. I personally think she was happy that someone was singing to her....
Someone who knew all the words to the song and could carry a tune.
You all remember my sad version of Polly Wally Doodle (is that the name of the song?)
The cast members were wonderful and visited with us after the performance. Samantha kept a hold of the velvet gloves and thought mink coat was a very nice place to bury her little nose.
It is wonderful, thrilling, to find something that our kids enjoy and connect with. I am also thrilled to have a friend like Deana who listens to opera. I would have never known Samantha had such a strong connection to this type of music.....
Because sadly, I'm not a La Boheme type of girl.
BUT after this experience, I will put down the Lady Gaga and pick up The Marriage of Fiagro.
Thank you Deana, Max, Opera Colorado and Samantha for putting a little culture in this Mama's life :)
Special thanks to Deana to taking these pics.
Samantha and the Music Shop Cast

Chatting with the stars. Deana and Max are to the right of us. Thanks for a lovely experience!

That looks so cool! Wish I would have know it was going on. We were accually there but came as they were all leaving. Makenzie would have loved that!
You don't want to be a La Boheme kind of girl...terribly sad ending. Maybe we should all go see it next season when it's here, it is a beautiful opera!
I'm so happy Samantha loved it. Cherity at Opera Colorado sent me some great cd's for Max, I'll find them for Sam if you'd like. We've got them all on Max's computer, and our computer, and our ipods, and iphones. ;) We have to have opera at the ready...all the time! Especially at the hospital!
Opera Colorado has been wonderful to Max. The first year we were supposed to have a special performance at TCH, the crew had strep throat. So Cherity rounded up some of the singers and they performed their favorite opera tunes to sing for Max in a little impromptu concert.
The Metropolitan Opera (The Met in NYC)sent him a package full of dvd's and cd's a couple of summers ago. And 6 different opera companies around the US called him on his 5th birthday and sang him Happy Birthday in their beautiful opera voices!
...it just goes to show that people in the community WANT to offer whatever their talents are to help little ones, like Max and all of his buddies!
Wow, I just love reading this! Deana I think I need to meet you some day! :)
I used to listen to opera a lot more than I do now. We have had Max on a steady Mozart diet after his OT asked us to play it for him. He enjoys it, but prefers a much stronger beat, like Dance music or Indian music. I will have to play some opera and see what he thinks.
you have a max too! I'm typing on my dinky iPod right now, but will look you up properly in the morning. Do you have a blog?
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